Event Sponsorships
Every year we have a great time at the Sportsman’s Charity Hunt, but a significant purpose that drives us is to raise money for causes we really care about. If you want to be a part of this top notch event and help wounded veterans, kids and families in need, consider being a sponsor. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit and 100% of your donations go to our causes. A separate grant is used to fund the expansion of our impact. Everything else is run by 30+ volunteers! Last year’s event was again a huge success!
Our goal is to bring in over a million dollars
during our 20th Anniversary event this year!
Let’s do it!
Speaker Sponsor
$10,000.00 -
Super Raffle Sponsor
$7,500.00 -
Ammo Sponsorship
$5,000.00 -
Dinner Sponsor
$3,500.00 -
50 Target Flurry Shoot Sponsor
$3,500.00 -
LifeCampUSA Camper Sponsor
$2,500.00 -
Lunch Sponsor
$2,000.00 -
Youth/Hunt Supporting Sponsor
$1,000.00 -
Goodwill Partner Sponsorship
$350.00 -
Clays & Gun Range Sponsor